Monday, 27 May 2019

Angular 7|6 : CLI, Components, Routing & Bootstrap 4

Angular 7 from scratch with routing and navigation with a complete example.
building a simple web application that you can use to show your portfolio projects and which you can actually host in the web and make it accessible for your potential clients. use Firebase for authentication, Firestore for storing and fetching the projects and Bootstrap 4 for styling the UI.
Learn about the prerequisites for working with Angular, how to install Angular CLI and use it to create your project and the various artifacts that you'll need throughout the development of your project.
Learn how to get and use route parameters, how to use root and child routes and how to add nested routing.
Learn about the router-outlet component that's used by the Angular router to render the component(s) matching the current path. How to navigate using the routerlink and routerlinkactivedirectives or the router navigate() method.
Learn about the router events, animations and the router resolve property for fetching data.

Learn how to create Angular modules to organize your code, create components for controlling various UI parts, add CRUD operations and style the UI with Bootstrap 4.

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